Wednesday, September 7, 2011

vacation from a vacation

Well, technically I wasn't in the Dominican Republic for vacation. I was there to improve my fluency while teaching health classes. But still. It's the Caribbean; how can it not feel like a vacation?
don't i just look like i need a vacation?
Anyway, when a fellow volunteer invited me to go to La Vega with her, I was all for it. Trips across the country in an air-conditioned bus, sign me up! We stayed with a lady named Altagracia (the same one from my last post on food), and since I so obviously look foreign, I got to get a tour of the town from friends of Ashlie, my fellow vacationer who had been to La Vega on a mission.
Hansel, Franklin, Ernso, and Altagracia's daughter (don't remember her name. oops)

Catedral de la Concepcion de la Vega. a very concrete cathedral

picture of someone taking a picture is so classic
This girl  LOVED my camera. and getting pictures.

the girl was still figuring out how to use my camera at this point

the absolutely gorgeous plaza

hurray for friends! and thank goodness I managed to sneak in the picture!
spoiler: so these two end up marrying
We ended the tour by watching a local baseball game, which is the only important game as far as Dominicans are concerned. Baseball in the Dominican Republic is like football in Texas: BIG

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