Friday, August 5, 2011

"international traveler"

For those who cannot understand my personality in writing: I put the title in quotes to note the fact that I failed as an international traveller.

A couple hours after I saw my aunt get married, I flew off to the Dominican Republic. I had a red-eye flight from Salt Lake City to Atlanta, and then carried on to Puerto Plata in the DR. I don't think that helped my brain much. My tennis shoes got stolen, and really I have no one to blame but myself. I had packed my bags according to typical national standards: 2 carry-ons, 2 checked bags. So I had strapped my tennis shoes on top of one of my carry-ons, but then found out I could check another bag, and handed it over. Hey, it was heavy. Somebody relieved me of those tennis shoes. Really disappointing, because I had only had them for a month.

I was really nervous about this trip, because I was going to spend 6 weeks in a foreign country with a foreign language and culture. (again, let me point out that I am not an international traveler). But then I flew into the country, and I saw all of the green--thick, encroaching green--and I loved it. Reminds me of home.
Of course, it was really hot. and humid. but it looked nice.

The view out of my hotel room
My hotel. and my co-teacher, Bjorn.

My hotel has a pool, and the room has a stove and fridge, although the electricity is only on at night. And it's not consistent. Which is a country-wide problem. Probably because of this:
notice the wires EVERYWHERE

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