Wednesday, February 20, 2013


A couple of the people from the BYU group wanted to go explore the nearby town of Sosua, which is known for dairy products. That is the only historical tour-guide fact I can give you about the place.

We wandered through some shops (in fact, I think that's where I got my machete), went on a banana tube ride, then took advantage of the free cliff-jumping available. I got nervous each time up there, but if you just don't think about it and jump, well, you can't do anything about falling.

cliff jumping!

The above is a super short video, but it's all I got to capture of a random guy's acrobatics. 
The other exciting thing about this trip was that I stepped on a sea anemone. I pulled most of the spines out, but I guess some were buried deep, because it got inflamed, and then I got to do a little bedside surgery. Actually, I did it by the pool, because that area has the most light, and I don't think it counts as surgery when I just had basic first aid kit instruments. Nurse, heal thyself

in a fight between words and pictures, pictures win

this beach wasn't particularly scenic, so we played baseball with jetsam items

learning to make a cabbage salad

my favorite batida place

girls' night at our director's hotel